Monday, September 1, 2014


One week ago from today, we dug our potatoes.  Finally, we had some success!  The yields are as follows:

Yukon Gold-
11 lbs.  actually dug these a week or so earlier.  Mostly fist-sized tubers, slight red/pink blush, directly under main vines of the plants.  Yield was from about 1 dozen plants.

King Harry-
48 lb. 8 oz.  good yield, maybe 2 dozen plants.  heavy tubers, growing mostly in top layer of soil that was hilled in early spring.  tubers didn't grow in the clay layer below that.

28 lb. 14 oz.  these grew a little deeper, within the clay layer.  12-18 plants

28 lb. 5 oz.  again, maybe 1 dozen plants.

6 lb. 6.5 oz.  low number of plants started resulted in low yield. this was previously our favorite variety.

Also, after a late start, we got our first cucumber on August 6. 


  1. Do they keep all winter? (This is Rachel by the way)

  2. They will keep all winter if stored properly. In previous years, they've lasted us until about mid-April I think. This year will be trickier without a root cellar and we'll have to keep any eye on them until we find the best spot to keep them.
