Sunday, September 14, 2014

Opening Day

Tomorrow is opening day of the deer archery season.  I've been more excited in previous years, but with all the things going on this year like moving, new (ish) job, weddings,  etc I don't feel prepared enough to have high hopes.   I'm in a totally new spot,  I didn't scout much,  and I don't have a great entry/exit strategy. 
I do, however, know that deer are present here, and with reasonable certainty,  I know that there isn't much pressure here.  I also feel quite confident with my shooting.  I started practicing later in the year than I usually like, but without a huge garden and the convenience of walking out the back door to shoot, I logged many more shooting hours than usual.
Another interesting twist is that there is new competition here, and by that I mean bears and bobcats.  Naomi and I SAW a bobcat walk through the backyard today around noon, carrying a bigger fish than either of us has caught this year.  I also checked my trail camera today while hanging my stand, and had some pictures of a black bear. This will cut down on my morning sits, as I don't wish to encounter either animal in the pre-dawn dark. 
I'm also relieved because I won't have the pressure of my landlord and friends whom I had to face upon the return of each (unsuccessful) hunt.  That got to me, especially as none of them were bowhunters, and didn't seem to grasp the additional challenges involved in the craft. I don't have to answer to my permission - granter about the perceived quality of the deer I choose to take.  I answer only to myself and the animals with which I choose to interact.  Naomi will not judge me based on the size, sex, or antler size of the deer I choose to return with, if I so choose, and am lucky and skillful enough to do so.  Finally, I am on my own terms.  In this regard,  I have high hopes.  I don't want to forget the lessons I learned last year, nor do I want to repeat the mistakes of seasons past.  I wish only to commune with the natural world so that it will sustain me; physically,  mentally, and spiritually.  Here's to the start of a completely new season!

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