Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Real Snow

Here we are, the day before Thanksgiving, and it's snowing. We previously had one little snowfall, but it mostly didn't last. This is the real deal, and it's got me thinking about a few things.

 I'm really grateful that we have such a short driveway. I don't have a snowblower, nor do I really want another gas-sucking machine. I hopefully can handle the workload with just a shovel. While out earlier, I realized that this is the first time that I've ever been solely responsible for snow shoveling. I was also thinking back on the last five years at our apartment and how it was nice that the landlord came with machinery to remove the snow, but how that also left me on the hook to move the cars all the time which always seemed to be a problem for some reason or another. One such occurrence led to the final push for us to get out and get our own house. I'm glad to leave all that behind.

I was really anxious about driving in the snow to/from work considering we're in a snowier part of the state, and my commute is so hilly. I managed to get home without incident today, but I noticed that most other vehicles, including some really large trucks tackled the hills by going 5 mph both up and down them.

Finally, I decided to take a nap earlier. When I was just waking up, Naomi told me that the chicken run was collapsing under the weight of the snow. As I was scrambling to get my boots and wet coat back on, I looked out the back door, and the whole thing came down. 

After we shook all the snow off, we tried to pop the PVC sections back together. I don't think they're going to hold. A lot of the connectors cracked. When we relocated the run, a lot of the parts didn't fit back together nicely, which contributed to the weakening of the whole structure. Let's see what happens going forward.

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