Sunday, March 17, 2013

Surprise!!! Chicken Math

In just a few hours, we made the decision to adopt this lovely duckling and two chicks.  A neighbor of our friends had them and couldn't keep them.  Naomi's always wanted a duck, and why not get a few extra chicks?  The duck (now named Penelope) is a Pekin, and one chick is a Leghorn, and the other is a Red Cornish.  They seem to be a few weeks old, but everything wasn't really clear about them.  Penelope isn't going to be able to stay in the brooder for very long due to her rapid rate of growth compared to the chicks. 

I also ordered new chicks for ourselves, which we had been planning to do anyway.  This time, we're getting Buff Orpingtons.  They are coming sometime in Mid- April, but the guy at the feedstore didn't have an exact date yet.  Rumor has it that two more calves are coming this spring, too, which is exciting!! 

I've got lots of seeds started at this point, as well as both of my hoophouses set up. Below are some pictures:

cabbage, broccoli, spinach, blah blah blah

onions and leeks!


chickens out the window

a great view from my desk