Sunday, June 8, 2014

On leaving the Kern Farm

A calf was born today. Cows do this amazing thing where they can give birth without needing help, and then, while the placenta is still hanging (disgustingly) out of the mama, mama nudges the minutes old calf to get up and walk around. It only takes a few months before the mama starts pushing the baby away to go eat some grass and leave mama alone for once.

This past week Will & I bought our first home, which means that we are now living in a sea of boxes while we get ready to move into our home. This also means that we have to leave our current home. A home that we have cared for deeply and poured sweat, tears and blood into, and that has sustained us with great soil, and life.

This is the land where we decided to spend the rest of our lives working hard together. This is the land where we were brave enough to butcher our first chickens. This is the land where with hands covered in dirt, I pulled a ripe strawberry out into the sun and ate it. This is the land where we raised Penelope into the majestic angel she is now.

There are many reasons why I am happy to have our own place on this earth to give it a go, but I am also sad to leave this one behind. I know that the Kerns are good folks, and I wish them the very best.

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