Sunday, June 22, 2014

Critters at New House

Wildlife is abundant here at New House.  On the day of our closing, we saw a doe in the woodlot behind the house, and we saw a brook trout in the brook- seemed like things were off to a good start!  I've seen a doe cross the road twice now, once with the teeniest spindly-legged fawn in tow.  The neighbor told me that bears regularly rip into his bird feeder.  The yard is full of frogs, chipmunks, mourning doves, and robins.  There's definitely a mole around.  And every other day or so, I swear I see something rustling through the ferns, just deep enough for me to not see it.

Both neighbors (yup, we have two) have told me there are tons of deer around, and turkeys usually start showing up toward winter.  I'm hoping to get lucky this year in deer season, because I sure don't have time to figure out travel patterns or anything like that.

We've got a mommabird on the front porch, and we're just content to let her stay there.  Naomi said she saw the babies in there quite a while ago, and that they probably fledged already- long before we moved in. 

I look forward to more positive critter encounters, but not the potentially bad ones.  I hope the birds will be ok until I put the permanent (two-foot deep) fence up.  When I asked one neighbor if he ever sees cottontails, he said no, and he's been here for a few decades.  There doesn't really seem to be the right habitat for them here, nor woodchucks. I'll miss the rabbits, but not so much the woodchucks! 

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