Monday, September 1, 2014

First weekly walkaround

I decided today that it would be nice to spend some time each week just walking and observing the plants,  animals, and activity around the house.  I'm realizing while writing this that I used to do that at the big garden too, just every so often. 
I seem to come up with more questions than answers most of the time.  At least I can keep track of them this way.  So here are my observations
- there are some caterpillars deflating the milkweed plants on the bank by the road.  I wonder if they're monarchs.  I don't know what else would be eating milkweed.  
-we had a hard rain yesterday evening.   The water levels are back up.  There are also a lot of little fish in the brook now, and some of them are starting to look kind of big.  I want to get a net so I can check them out really closely since they really like to dart away when I approach the water. 
-The knotweed is really starting to resprout from my slashing project, more so where it's not impeded by piled of slashed canes.  Where it was heavily mulched with dumpings of old canes, it's having a hard time coming up. 
-there are some plants I'm really curious about:
     -one with stems that come off the main stalk at 45° angles, has a reddish tint, and starting to have small yellow flowers.
     -a succulent groundcover growing in the lawn with opposite roundish leaves of a beautiful soft green color. 
-I always find dead crayfish parts both in the brook and up in the lawn near the brook, but I've yet to see a live one.
Hopefully I can keep up with both the weekly walkaround and the corresponding posts.  I'm hoping to go back and add photos too. 

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