Two years ago, I started this blog as a New Year's resolution. At least on my end, it seemed like I did a really good job of keeping up. The garden really performed well, too. Then this past year, 2013, the garden didn't do as well for many reasons, and I let my responsibility slip in regards to keeping up with Farmyard Boogie. So on the start of this new year, I'm diving back in with a renewed interest in keeping up with this blog, as well as a new blog I started a few weeks ago called
The Murk Of Aeons to talk about records that I'm listening to.
This past week, I started onion seeds and they've already germinated. I'm going to try harder to keep them watered enough in the early spring. 2013 was hard because the spring was SO dry. All of the leeks I started from seed and transplanted didn't survive because I couldn't keep them watered enough. Luckily I had also sown a lot of onion sets, and they did surprisingly well. So, in 2014, I'll just have to see what the weather brings.

Up until a few weeks ago, some of our older chickens were still moulting, but it seems like they've finished up. However, Penelope is still moulting, but not nearly as drastically as the chickens. We brought her in to the house for a swim one day last week, so she could get cleaned up and dried off and do some much-needed preening. It was also a flashback for us to have her in the bathtub again.
I'll be trying my best to faithfully continue updating this year. I know some friends that occasionally ask me when I will post new stuff. I can say with some certainty that it's coming now!
Good luck in the new year! Happy planting!!