I admittedly haven't been keeping up with this blog nearly as I would like to. The main reason is RABBITS. Rabbits are making it REALLY hard for me to grow many things this summer. Every season, I try to focus on a new crop, either to learn more about growing it, or to produce a substantial amount of it. This year, I planned to grow a quantity of shell beans that would at least put a dent in the amount that we eat throughout the year. As of now, we don't have even half of the bean plants we had last year. As soon as they came up, rabbits ate the growing tip right off. I replanted, and replanted, but it didn't stop them. There are more rabbits than I can possibly keep up with.

On the good side, I grew a LOAD of garlic! The photo to the left is just some of it, as Naomi was hanging it to be cured. It tipped the scales around 75 lbs, which is about ten more than last year. The bulbs seem to be of higher quality, too.
Something else I've been meaning to do is to have a garlic taste test to put all the varieties we grow head to head. That way we could make some more decisions about which varieties to grow.
I've got high hopes for tomatoes, potatoes, and fall greens (which will be protected from marauding rodents). I'm also hoping for a good harvest of rutabagas, turnips, and beets. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
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