Monday, December 24, 2012

A Christmas Miracle

     Yesterday morning I let the chickens out, and discovered 2 small brown eggs in the corner of the coop closest to the nest boxes (so close!)  I ecstatically ran into the house shouting for Naomi to bring the camera.  I was suspect that they were both from that morning, so I decided to get the fork and sift through the bedding.  I found a third egg.  That evening when I went to close the coop, I found a fourth.  It was only about 4 PM today that I found a fifth.  I believe it's The Grump that's laying them.  I need to get her to start laying in the nest box, but that's a project for later on in the week.  I'll try making a step/perch to transition into the boxes, and moving eggs when I find them.  I hope the others aren't far behind!  The large egg in the picture was a double-yolker too! 

     I brought some pizza boxes and shredded paper down to the garden today.  We've eaten a lot of pizza in the last week.  I finally got a chance to bring the camera down to the garden as well, although we are getting close to looking for a new camera. 

Pizza boxes featured just right of center.

Some Red Russian Kale seedlings, growing slowly but surely.
 A shot of the inside of the hoophouse.  
The three larger plants are Romanesca Broccoli.

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