So, we had a wedding. And as much as I enjoyed it, it took entirely too much time and effort just for a party. I'm still rifling through piles of stuff to get my life back together. Thus, I haven't updated this blog in a bajillian years. Oh well, I'm back in the garden and back here.

But Will never stopped working in the garden. I could go on a feminist rant about how, as the woman, I was forced to be in charge of our wedding, but the fact was, I was busy and he was marginally less busy so he took it upon himself to keep the boat afloat. I kept myself pretending that I was still farming by reading farming books and spending my few free moments sitting outside with my laptop and cell phone, as opposed to sitting inside with my laptop and cell phone, just to get some of that sweet vitamin D that I crave. I really didn't have time for much else in the last 6 or 7 months.

There are many reasons why we got married, but not the least of which is the reason that we're in this together. Having a garden is hard (and enjoyable), but trying to do it on your own is even harder (and perhaps less enjoyable?). If I didn't have a partner in this thing, I would just be starting my garden now, instead of being able to jump in and help weed the peas. For the rest of the year, I would be resentful of my wedding, and how it stood in the way of me eating the foods that I enjoy eating. I would be SO behind. But, luckily I have an awesome husband (!) and we just keep plugging along. One piece at a time, we'll feed ourselves.
(I am really going to try hard to make this the ONLY wedding post, I promise.)
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