We started 2012 on Wednesday, December 28, 2011 with 12 packets of onion seeds. They were sown in seed starting mix in flat trays without the cell dividers and put under lights. Right now they're getting 10 hours of lamp light from 7 A.M. until 5 P.M. After 5, I put a blanket over them to keep any residual light out. Here's one of the trays on the 28th.
Here we are a week and a half later, and the little guys are looking great!! What we've got here are Red Wethersfield onions, American Flag leeks, Southport White Globe onions, White Barletta Onions, Australian Brown onions, Giant White Stuttgart onions, Extra Large Carenten leeks, and Yellow Dutch onions. You can see from all this green, that we're making progress!
I've got my fingers crossed and my eyes open for signs of damping off. This is an experiment because the last 2 years of trying onion sets proved to be frustrating at best. I've never had this much success with germinating onion seeds, so I'm feeling positive at the moment. The time when the ground will thaw, however, is a long way off. I've got really high hopes for the leeks. I got some leeks from Grandma's garden this year, and they were awesome!
It's not too late if you want to get some onions started. I only started as early as I did because his giant onion growing friends started theirs a few weeks before me. If they can do it, I can do it!
Allium fever continues outside the house too with all the garlic I planted back in October the day before we got a freak snow storm. This is my first time growing garlic at all, but everything seems to be ok so far. Here are some of them sticking their way out of the hay.
The rest of the garden plot is a sad-looking frozen brown slab at the moment. Well, partially frozen, because it was in the low 60s yesterday. I'm ready for more of that cold we had earlier in the week!
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